Hiring Ads

Finding the right employees is key to a successful holiday season when you're in the Christmas lighting industry. 

However, it is also important to stay within your budget while looking for said employees. There are multiple revenues to search for employees and they all have different costs. 

Here are a few options that you can look into when search for your next candidate.

  • FREE - Ask your current employees (if possible) if they have any friends or family they would recommend to bring on board. Often times, they will know a few people who would be interested in coming on board. These employees are usually more trustworthy as your current employee has vouched for them. Asking is free but if you wanted to sweeten the deal, try offering an Employee Referral Program where they get paid for the friends & family they bring on board. Make sure you have specific details about when they are going to get paid to ensure you don't pay an employee just to have their friend quit a day later.
  • $ - Indeed is a great way to find quality employees for your business. You can create any posting on Indeed for free. However, if you would like to "Sponsor" that post where you could potentially bring in more candidates, it allows you to set the daily $ limit based on your budget. Just be mindful not to forget about it as $5 a day may not sound like much until it has mistakenly ran for 45 days (now at $225). Once you have filled your spots, it is important to go in and deactivate the Sponsorship to ensure no additional fees are added. Use the same ad next year as well!
  • $$ - Facebook is a great new way of attracting all sorts of candidates. To be able to publish a job posting, you'll need to ensure you have a Business Facebook page. It is a great idea to have that already set up for marketing anyway so this gives you the opportunity to use it for more than just customer marketing. Like Indeed, the ad posting is free and you can sponsor your ad starting at $10.
  • $$$ - ZipRecruiter is a new-ish player on the market the last few years. Certified Christmas Lights has used them in the past without huge success but you can still have success with the right ads. ZipRecruiter does charge monthly so keep that in mind when signing up for the account. 

Now that you've decided where you want to run your ads, let's talk about your actual ads.

Posting an accurate ad will yield you a more successful candidate. You wouldn't want to post an ad with office receptionist details when you're looking for a manual labor installer. 

Make sure your ads are as accurate and detailed as possible. If you are comfortable, try adding the pay rate to weed out anyone who isn't willing to work within your pay budget. 

Here are a few different ads in Microsoft Word format to download - just make sure to update the details with your company name, logo, and job description.